Concrete Domes45 years - 63 countries

Concrete Domes45 years - 63 countries


Advantages of Fast Build dome technology

Communities building together.

It is fairly simple for a community to build housing, toilets, storage, shops, water tanks and health centres. A single airform, a trained crew and a crowd of residents can build any of these very quickly. Simple. Fast. Durable. Spacious. Inexpensive.

What are these domes composed of?

Generally, a standard mix of concrete (M30) that is applied in layers. However we also use PPC (Portland Pozzolan Cement) which uses 30% fly ash, thereby reducing our carbon footprint.

Instead of steel bar reenforcement, we use braided basalt rope made from readily available lava rock, further reducing our carbon footprint.

This allows building in harsh environments and allows us to even use beach sand and sea water for construction, which is impossible with steel.

Why use a dome instead of normal construction?

  1. Space - A dome encloses the most amount of usable space of any type of structure.
  2. Strength - Due to its shape, and the way forces are distributed, a dome is extremely resistant to earthquakes, flooding, typhoons and environmental disasters.
  3. Utility - Since a dome requires no interior structural walls, you can do whatever you wish inside one, without affecting its strength in any way.
  4. Cost - Less materials, fewer man hours and rapid construction add up to dramatic savings.
  5. Quality - There is only one way to build these domes, so repeatable quality is already built in. This assures standards compliance and control.
  6. Durability - These domes are particarly suited for harsh environments. Seaside installations, quake prone areas and remote construction sites pose no challenges to building.

Building Costs?

Generally speaking, you can save 30 - 50% in building costs.

This is because a dome uses a fraction of the materials compared to normal construction and because they are erected so quickly, your labour costs are dramatically reduced.